Whether you’re looking for a sport physiotherapist, natural healer, or any type of medical professional, this disambiguation page will help you find the right person or business for you!
Lagos Nomads is not affiliated or responsible for any services carried out by any individual or business listed!
Physiotherapists in Lagos
Certified physical therapists who specialist in rehabilitation of injuries from sport, lifestyle, accident, or other sources.
Massage therapists in Lagos
Specialists who offer massage services ranging from traditional, sport, Thai, relaxation, hot stone, and other forms of massage.
Psychologists in Lagos
Mental health specialists and psychologists who work with adults, children, groups, and individual sessions for therapy, growth, and development.
Alternative medicine in Lagos
For anything generally not covered under the general public scope of medicine. Here you may find hypnotherapists, natural medicine practitioners, sound healing, and other related therapies.
Note: Alternative medicinal practitioners are generally not approved by insurance companies – consult with your provider to see if your treatment can be covered.
Public hospitals in Lagos
A list of public hospitals in Lagos and immediate area, the services they provide, and requirements to use.
Private doctors in Lagos
List of private doctors in Lagos.
Maternal services in Lagos
For pre-and-post childbirth services, caretaking, and other pregnancy-related services.
Sexual health services in Lagos
For testing or treatment of infections, diseases, or other ailments related to reproductive health.